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Lohodo: A Multiplayer Dungeon Crawler game

This project is a 3D endless runner game. It is based on popular tv cartoon series ""Chotta Bheem". It has a unique gameplay mechanics of collecting ladoos. The game has small AI which player has to dodge. This game is for mobile devices.  Simulation is built on Unity3D.

I've worked on the project as sole developer.  I've created the framework of this game with all the functionality under collaboration with Client. . I've been responsible for following work:

  • Implemented the character movement , character animation states through 'mechanim' component of Unity 4.2. Thus allowing to have glich free smooth  animations.

  • Procedurally generating tracks and other 3d environment objects.

  • Collaborating with designer to layout the map of obstacle generation and also implementing  AI Enemy.

  • Code shader. (Vertex and Frag) specifically for this project. It gives the illusion of a curved track. This shader is also applied on other environment objects.
  • Coded and Designed whole GUI of the game using basic Unity GUI functions. Added In-App purchases.

  • Data driven enemy AI which changes with change in time of the day.

  • Environmental effects like daylight and ambient light changes with game time.

  • Collaborating with designer and iterating the gameplay features such that it coming in a fun combination.

  • Worked on implementing gameplay features like 3 different ladoos which change some properties of the character.

  • Iterating the gameplay and mechanics in close collaboration with artist and designers.

  • Optimized the game with the android devices. 

                                    As its a private project I can't share all the details. Please send me mail for any queries you have.



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