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MARIO ITALIANO: A Trading Card Game

Mario Italiano Four Families is a social, casual card battle game that puts you at the head of an Italian mobster family. The game is a quirky and fun take on the mobster life in a cartoonish, comedic way as it sees you battle it out with other families for supremacy of Capitol City. You’ll use cards, vehicles, weapons, ammo, and other accessories to beat your rivals at their own game. Its built on Cocos2Dx.

I've been responsible for following work:

  • Combat Animation. Dynamic Weapons based animation change on run-time.

  • Player Level Up animation changes for each separate  Tier.

  • Player Win Animation.

  • Auto Attack Animation.
  • Sound system which reflect  the changes in animation .

                                    For more details please go to links below . Please send me mail for any queries you have.



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